With dismal autumn weather, waking up in the dark and the time change, more than ever our body wants to see the light. Office lighting can have a significant positive effect on our mood and productivity. Good lighting is a key factor in facilitating the work of employees!

How can you get the most out of lighting in the office?

First we need to distinguish three types of lighting: natural lighting from windows, general lighting and individual lighting.

Natural daylight

In an office with multiple windows, natural daylight can provide a good part of the required lighting. How valuable to have the light from a window on your desk, not to mention a pleasant view! Outdoor light offers many health benefits as it promotes optimal functioning of the circadian rhythm (our internal clock) and the production of associated hormones. It is especially appreciated on somber days. Windows can also save from 25% to 60% on energy costs!

However it is a major challenge to design offices that optimize access to daylight. In addition, basement offices or offices in the shadow of other buildings can not rely on natural light for office lighting. The same is obviously true for workers on the night shift. When we cannot count on the sun, artificial light is a necessity.

General lighting

Most offices rely on a central lighting system to provide the light necessary for the overall illumination of the premises. The ideal is a low ceiling and light sources spread evenly over its surface to ensure equal and diffuse illumination. The main lighting should be strong enough for everyone to work, but not too strong, to avoid glare!

Individual lighting

Even if an office enjoys appropriate natural and/or central lighting, each employee should have their own work lamp and be able to control their personal lighting. Why? Because everyone sees differently, and everyone needs a different kind of light depending on the position of their desk or the tasks they need to perform. Did you know that the eye needs 20% more light to read a paper document than to view a computer screen? That is no small difference! An ergonomically adjustable work lamp is the ideal solution to allow each employee to illuminate their work surface according to their needs.

Beyond the questions of natural, general and individual lighting, another factor should not be overlooked: the colour of walls and furniture. Ideally, use clear and warm colours on large surfaces and work surfaces, and reserve dark colours for decorative accents or small areas.

Are you satisfied with the lighting of your office? Shop a task light now!

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