HAG Capisco Ergonomic Chair


The Ergonomic Chair, the Perfect Companion for Your Height-Adjustable Desk

How many times a day do we feel the need to get up from our office chair to stretch our legs and unwind? A day at work can quickly turn into a series of stretching exercises, multiple walks to the coffee machine, or repeated loss of concentration because our body is under-stimulated, despite our best intentions.

Are you looking for a simple and effective solution to remedy the need for improved posture and comfort at the office? Make room for the ergonomic HÅG Capisco chair. Built to change your daily life, this Scandinavian-designed chair will not only promote your concentration level at work but will also help keep you healthy: an undeniable workspace transformation.


HAG Capisco Chair with Headrest - Sitting Position

What If We Could Find a Solution to Improve Concentration?

The harmful effects of sitting still at work for an extended period of time have been discussed for many years. Despite its comfort, an office chair isn’t the optimal tool for productivity, as maintaining the same posture for several hours without much movement has an impact on concentration, productivity, but also on overall health. Furthermore, the body also expands less energy sitting than standing or moving [which could lead to possible negative health effects].

Research over the years has shown a link between sitting for long periods of time and various health problems. These health problems linked to our work habits are increasingly widespread and include but are not limited to: back, neck, or shoulders muscle pain, high blood pressure and blood sugar, excess body fat, or abnormally high cholesterol.


HAG Capisco Chair with Standing Desk

Opt for the Standing Position

By opting for an ergonomic standing desk, the brain is challenged more so than when sitting, resulting in a positive impact on productivity. Standing causes the brain to process more elements: balancing our body weight, controlling slight muscle contractions, and several other small actions that produce low levels of cognitive stress which help to make us feel more alert.

It's all about finding the right amount of stress. Too little makes us numb or somewhat sleepy, while too much stress will negatively impact our performance, mood, and health. Working while standing keeps our body constantly alert, without requiring too much effort. We can thus concentrate on our tasks, be productive and avoid pain and numerous health problems.


Add an Ergonomic Chair to the Mix for the Best of Both Worlds

Does the thought of spending the day standing behind a computer cause you more anxiety than the benefits it might bring you? It is indeed a big step to take when you are used to our well-padded chair.

Make the transition easily with the ergonomic HÅG Capisco chair: its unique shape offers countless ways to sit and stand. Its design encourages changes in position, moving from seated to standing, which helps keep the body stimulated and alert throughout the day.

Adding an HÅG Capisco ergonomic chair to your home office offers greater comfort, better posture, but above all, greater productivity and better health by varying your body's position throughout the day. Given that we will spend approximately 90,000 hours of our life in work mode, an ergonomic adjustment is well worth the investment. Say goodbye to lower back pain, and experience the benefits of ergonomics in the workplace by adding an HÅG Capisco chair to your standing desk.

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