HAG Capisco Ergonomic Chair - Brown Leather


5 Tips to Increase Your Concentration at Work

We all have days when we barely have time for lunch because our schedule is packed with meetings, or we have a tight deadline to finalize an important presentation. Even if we are actively sitting or standing at our ergonomic desks, we would benefit from incorporating easy exercises to help us power through these busy days. Adding movement to our workday will not only increase our focus, but will also help us be more productive. Here are some tips to improve our concentration at work.

Working ergonomically with the right office furniture can be even more beneficial when you combine it with an active lifestyle, which will further help to minimize and manage distractions.


Get Moving to Start Your Work Day

Our new reality may have changed the way we commute, but that shouldn't make exercising any less important. How we choose to start our workday has the power to set the tone for the rest of the day. Whether you prefer ridesharing or public transportation to get to work, adding in a few more walking steps is always possible by parking a little further away, or getting off at an earlier stop. Being active for even a few minutes is beneficial before sitting down at your desk for a long day of work. If you work from home, the commute is probably… shorter! Before settling into your ergonomic chair for a productive morning, you can opt for a brisk walk around your neighbourhood with your favourite podcast in your ears to set yourself up for a successful day.


HAG Capisco Chair - Facing Back

Maintain a Good Sitting Posture

Sometimes we slouch in front of our computers before remembering the importance of maintaining good posture and making a conscious effort to sit up straight. Here are a few tips that can help us stay in a good sitting position throughout the day. While answering emails during the day, we should make sure to keep our feet flat on the floor and hip-width apart, and our elbows at a 90-degree angle. Using an ergonomic chair like the HÅG Capisco is also helpful to improve our posture. This chair allows us to perform simple exercises throughout the day, such as: bringing one knee to the stomach, then maintaining this position for 30 seconds by gently pulling the leg in. This type of movement stimulates blood circulation and makes it easier for us to maintain proper posture from the first to last scheduled meeting of our workday.


HAG Capisco Chair

Take Time to Breathe

How often are we interrupted by emails, spontaneous conversations, and other online chats? Probably several times during any given working day. Adding breathing exercises to our work routine can help us manage these distractions. Let’s start by sitting upright in our chair, both feet firmly on the ground. Breathe in through the nose for 4 seconds, then hold the breath for 7 seconds, before slowly exhaling through the mouth for another 8 seconds. This breathing exercise is proven and known to lower stress levels as well as have a positive effect on concentration.


HAG Capisco Ergonomic Chair

Move Your Legs

We can also change up the routine by jogging in place for 60 seconds next to our desk. Being active will send blood to the brain and have a stimulating effect that will provide us with the energy to carry on with our day. You can also overcome the inevitable afternoon slump with a few leg extensions. We can start with our feet flat on the floor, then lift our legs one at a time, parallel to the floor, holding them for a few seconds with the toes pointed towards the ceiling. Doing this exercise can help strengthen our glutes, which will help prevent lower back pain.


Set Reminders

Even with all the motivation in the world and the best intentions in mind, it's easy to forget to get up from our work chair every few hours to stay active. Taking a break can help us concentrate better on our work. In order to help us achieve our daily goals, using a smartwatch can remind us to get up every now and then and move to get our blood flowing to our brain. Working with the right tools creates an environment in which we train and motivate ourselves to successfully achieve our goals.

Changing your work habits to boost focus requires adaptation. Be patient with yourself as you transition into a more active lifestyle during your working hours. To ensure a successful transition, you can modify your environment to represent the lifestyle you wish to have. Whether it’s preparing your workout outfit the night before or purchasing an ergonomic chair like the HÅG Capisco from Flokk you can make it easier to incorporate movement in your professional life resulting in deeper work focus.




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